Airport kiosks

Use our kiosks at the airport to check in, make changes to your flight, print your boarding pass, and much more.

How it works

How it works

Discover what our kiosks can do and what you may need. If you only have a carry-on bag, you can skip the kiosks. Check in on the United app or to get the latest updates on your flight.

What you need

What you need

A major credit card for checking a bag

Government issued ID or passport for international travel

Your United confirmation or ticket number

Lightbulb inside a circle

Traveler pro tips

Traveler pro tips

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of our kiosks:

  • Save time when you check in on the United app.
  • Drop your bags off at bag drop shortcut.
  • Head to security when you’re done using our kiosks.

You can use our kiosks to

Check in and manage your trip.*
Check in and manage your trip.*
Add your MileagePlus number to your reservation.
Add your MileagePlus number to your reservation.
Change your flight for same-day travel.
Change your flight for same-day travel.
Find alternate flights if your original flight is delayed or canceled.
Find alternate flights if your original flight is delayed or canceled.
Change your seat or standby for a seat in a premium cabin.
Change your seat or standby for a seat in a premium cabin.
Print your bag tags and drop them at the ticket counter or go straight to bag drop shortcut.
Print your bag tags and drop them at the ticket counter or go straight to bag drop shortcut.

*Save time by adding your digital boarding pass to your phone on the United app or

Keep in mind

Oversized bags

Most oversized bags can be checked in using the kiosks. If your bag cannot be tagged at the kiosk, speak with an agent.

Visa requirements

Most visas can be verified using the kiosks. If the country you are traveling to requires a visa, an agent will need to verify it on the kiosk.

Tag your bags and drop them off at bag drop shortcut

Tag your bags and drop them off at bag drop shortcut

Kiosks have restrictions if

Kiosks have restrictions if

  • You’re an unaccompanied minor.
  • We need to collect an additional fee.
  • Your flight is not operated by United or United Express®.


Our kiosks are designed to be accessible to all customers

Our kiosks are designed to be accessible to all customers

All kiosks are wheelchair height

Plug your headphones into the headphone jack to start screen reader instructions

Accessible kiosks will be marked as accessible with a label that includes braille

Our kiosks are designed to be accessible to all customers

Our kiosks are designed to be accessible to all customers

All kiosks are wheelchair height

Plug your headphones into the headphone jack to start screen reader instructions

Accessible kiosks will be marked as accessible with a label that includes braille

Airport kiosks FAQ